S.F. tower's owners will forfeit it to lender – The San Francisco Chronicle
Our most recent report on subprime mortgages shows that over 1.5 million homes have
already been lost to foreclosure, and another two million families with subprime loans are currently delinquent and in danger of losing their homes in the near future.1 Projections of foreclosures on all types of mortgages during the next five years estimate 13 million defaults (over the time period 2008Q4 to 2014).2 Right now, more than one in ten homeowners is facing mortgage trouble.3 Nearly one in five homes is underwater.
Subprime mortgage companies warn on U.S. foreclosures – Reuters
A Few Comments on Housing Reports – Calculated Risk
Study: Using Home ATM Led to Most Foreclosures in SoCal – Calculated Risk
Miami Condo Glut Starts To Ease – Clusterstock
Feds Push Mortgage Companies to Modify More Loans – The New York Times
Five Things: Housing Staggers Toward a Bottom... – Minyanvillle, Kevin Depew
It's true, housing is staggering toward a bottom; but it's doing so on a treacherous path carved out between two lanes on an interstate highway.